Pohjoismaisten freelancereiden perinteinen kolmipäiväinen seminaari pidetään toukokuussa Korsørissä Tanskassa
Comwell-hotellissa. Paikalle odotetaan 120 freelance-journalistia eri pohjoismaista.
Ohjelmassa pohditaan muun muassa, miten työhönsä uppoutuva freelancer selviää työn ja vapaa-ajan sulautuessa, editointia ja tulevaisuuden journalismia. Ammattikuvaajille on ohjelmassa oma työpajansa ja jälleen verkostoiumme matchmakingin avulla ja illanvietoissa.
Osallistumismaksu on 67 euroa (500 dkr) ja se kattaa majoituksen ja ohjelman lisäksi ruokailut juhlaillallisineen. Ilmoittautuminen päättyy 9. huhtikuuta.
Ilmoittaumista varten pyydetään lomake SFJ:n toimistolta, samalla valitaan mihin työryhmiin ilmoittaudutaan.
Lehdistön freelancereiden hoitokunta jakaa pikkustipendejä seminaariin osallistumiseen. Haku päättyy 31. maaliskuuta. Näistä alle 500 euron stipendeistä ei tule karenssia. Stipendiä voi anoa sekä matkoihin että osallistumismaksuun. Stipendiä haetaan sähköisellä lomakkeella. Hakemukseen on liitettävä perustelun, jotka lähetetään vapaamuotoisesti osoitteeseen yhdistys@freet.fi
Welcome to Nordic Freelance Seminar 2014
When: Friday 9. – Sunday 11. May 2014
Where: Comwell, Grand Park, Ørnumvej 6, Korsør – www.comwellgrandpark.dk
Theme: ”The Dedicated Freelancers – and the Limits of their Work”
Friday the 9th of May:
Busses will pick up Nordic participants from Korsør Station 11.45. See itinerary: www.dsb.dk
12.00-13.00: Check in and lunch
13.00-14.00: Welcome – by the Nordic coordinators.
Key note speaker, by thinker and author Tor Nørretranders. www.tor.dk
Listening to your self – the social value of independent individuals. Why the collective needs free voices and non-institutionalized intellectuals. Why it is sometimes very social to work alone and why other people know more about you than you do yourself. Based on information theory, neurobiology, unconscious behavior and the role of communities in governing the commons.
Introduction to “Reporters on the Road” by freelancers Gunvor Bjerre and Ingrid Pedersen.
14.00-16.30: Presentations and workshops.
HoldA1: Entrepreneurship – Got to be starting something. Starting a business is not that difficult. Making a business with a long and prosperous life is! So how can we create the right fundament? People passionate about their craft is hardly ever “off duty”. We are connected to our work in such a way it becomes almost impossible to differentiate between “professional” and “private”. So how can we embrace this passion and learn to live with it?
In this workshop we investigate some of the important mechanics behind both successes and failures, and take a look at the qualities necessary for creating a healthy balance. With a mix between a thought-provoking lecture, tested methods and good conversations we will get closer to finding personal answers to essential questions about business and leadership.
by Morten Nottelmann, KaosPilot. www.kaospilot.dk
HoldB1: Objective journalism does not exist. But you have to be more than fair if you will take a swing with a Nobel Peace price winner. How do you deal with multinationals and their PR-consultants when you have exposed the companies in gross violations of both national and international laws?
How do you avoid loosing libel cases when you act as a textile buyer – questioning all the nice words about CSR and human rights?
Hear more on how to pitch your stories for several broadcasters/editors and learn how it’s possible to get paid for your work.
You will get to learn that it ain’t that difficult. All you need is to jump on a plane, turn on the camera and get going. During the lecture you will see excerpts from Tom Heinemann’s documentaries on the back sides of globalization.
by Tom Heinemann, Danish freelance tv-producer and winner of Cavling. http://tomheinemann.dk/
HoldC1: For photographers: Imaging – without tipping the economy – about the good alternatives to Photoshop. Introducing Graphic Converter, Apple Aperture og Adobe Photoshop Elements.
by Vagn-Ebbe Kier, www.kierphoto.com
16.45: Busses from Comwell to Trelleborg. We have a living and guided tour at the old castle of Vikings. You can drink mjød, the old Nordic beer. http://www.nytrelleborg.dk/
19.00-19.20: Busses will take us back to Comwell.
19.30-21.00: Dinner – we serve the Viking dish, pork knuckle!
21.00-23.00: Free time – or documentary films from the Nordic Countries:
Rainer Hartleb: Far from Jordbro/ Långt från Jordbro – 120 min
Rainer Hartleb is a German-Swedish director of documentary films. He is best known for the Jordbro suite, a series of films that follows a group of people from Jordbro from the age of seven, when they began school in 1972, until the present. Far from Jordbro / Långt från Jordbro 2014 is the seventh film in the row. This film depicts some of the Jordbro children’s children and their path through life.
Mira Jargil, Dreaming of a Family /Drømmen om en familie – 85 min
Mira Jargil’s new film Dreaming of a Family is a powerful portrayal of a socially challenged family’s attempts to do the right thing, and to find a balance between ones own and society’s expectations as to how to be a real family. www.cphdox.dk/en/screening/drømmen-om-en-familie
Stefan Jarl, Decency /Godheten – 79 min
A film on the necessity of equality. Swedish documentary filmer Stefan Jarl has made an interview movie, in which also economy journalists from conservative newspaper harshly criticize the banksystem of today and the thoughtless belief in present capitalism as the peak of history.
Margreth Olin (N) – Dom andre – 90 min
Petri Luukkanin (SF) My Stuff – 80 min
Saturday May 10th:
07.00-09.00: Breakfast.
09.00-10.00: Workshops and presentations begin:
HoldA2: Matchmaking. Send a short presentation and three words to describe who you want to cooperate with! iben@reliefpresse.dk
HoldB2: Zetland: Dreamstories that pay off. With a foot in both camps – as a freelancewriter as well as employer for freelancers – Lea Korsgaard tells about the ultimate co-operation between editor and freelancers: Only through a professional, respectful and differentiated interplay between the two the great ideas and grandiose dreams of becoming a writer are released.
Lea Korsgaard furthermore gives her own recipe on how dreamstories can be worthwhile doing and give pay off. www.zetland.dk )
HoldC2: Vagn-Ebbe Kier – continuing workshop for photographers.
10.00 – 12.00: Special Guest: Åsne Seierstad, Meet the author of the controversial book “One of us”, about Breivik and Norway. http://da.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%85sne_Seierstad
12.00: One hour lunchbreak.
13.00 – 13.30: 1 / 2 hour about work life balance and environment issues for freelancers – and some exercise by Eva Jacobsen, health consultant in DJ.
13.30 – 16.30: Presentations and workshops begin
HoldA3: Disruption, multimedia, iPad…Where are we heading? What is the kind of journalism we will be doing in the future? What are the skills needed, what are the tools, what should you study if you want to work as a professional freelancer in five years time?
The presentation will include a short introduction to disruption theory and through examples suggest multimedia/rich media as one solution worth exploring.
In addition, we will take a brief look into iPad/tablet publishing and discuss the possibilities and the kind of journalism we might be doing in the so called “Post-PC era.”
Although the description above might sound technical, this is a very general level presentation which should be interesting to both writers and photographers – and media professionals in general.
by Kari Kuukka photographer and multimedia producer. www.karikuukka.com
HoldB3: When you have a niche! – meet food+media (mad+medier) a network of food and drinks communicators in Denmark. The purpose is to improve the general quality of all gastronomy related communication in Denmark.
by journalist and winespecialist Rasmus Holmgård http://madmedier.dk/english/
HoldC3: Vagn-Ebbe Kier – continuing workshop for Photographers
17.00: Brännball – the traditional and limitless game for losers and winners – one ball, one bat and 100 participants!
19.00: Dinner and party.
Nordic Song Contest
Music: Byens Bedste Band, the Best Band in Town – Dancing
You can also choose to look at the documentary films from 21.30
Sunday May 11th
07.00 – 09.00: Breakfast
09.00 – 10.15: workshops and presentations begin.
HoldA4: Meet the directors, Mira Jargil.
Holdb4: Meet the directors, Rainer Hartleb.
HoldC4: Vagn-Ebbe Kjer – the continuing workshop for photographers
10.30– 12.00:
HoldA5: Honour cultures and cowboy dreams. Lars Åberg has been writing and broadcasting about social and cultural issues for more than 40 years, and he has also written some twenty nonfiction books with Swedish and American themes.
He will talk about his international outlook and his interest in places and circumstances that journalists rarely dip into, but also about a media world where curiosity is being replaced by simplification and journalistic conformity is growing. If you, for instance, cover integration issues, you will soon get suspicious looks from your colleagues.
HoldB5: New ways of networking – an introduction for Evolutioncity.se Malmø. www.mediaevolutioncity.se
HoldC5: Vagn-Ebbe Kjer – The continuing workshop for photographers www.kierphoto.com
12.00: Lunch and goodbye.
The busses will bring you to Korsør station for the connecting trains.
Send your completed registration form to: iben@reliefpresse.dk
See you in Korsør!
best regards
Mikael Hjuler Mikael@fagpress.dk
Iben Danielsen iben@reliefpresse.dk
Hanne Fokdal Barnekow hanne@fokdal.dk
Deadline: April 22. 2014